Basic Information About Website Hosting

A website hosting company provides a place where the files used to build your website are kept so that they can be viewed and accessed by people on the Internet. Your files are kept on a web server. This is a basically special type of hard drive that has software running on it so that it is accessible to people surfing the Internet. Think of it like a folder on your computer where you keep pictures. If you want to look at the pictures you have to open the folder to see them. A web hosting service provides the ability for people to see your pages by clicking on your URL. Your URL is directed to a folder on the web server that contains all the files needed for your website to work. When the web designer finishes building your website they will upload all the files to your web server and then your website will be viewable to the world.

There are two main types of web servers that can host websites and they are Linux servers and Windows servers. If you are setting up your hosting account yourself yourself, ask your web designer which type of server you’ll need to run your website. Sometimes it can be a hassle having to switch over from one type to the other which in turn could end up costing you more money. They both basically do the same things but certain e-commerce shopping carts, websites, CMS systems and other software will only run on one or the other.

The three most relevant types of web hosting for most businesses learning about the Internet for the first time are shared hosting, dedicated hosting and self hosting.

Shared hosting involves putting your website on the same part of a web server with other people’s websites.  The equipment and server are owned and managed by the web host provider, with technicians on hand to monitor and manage the servers. This is a popular option because it is inexpensive and gives you many of the benefits that dedicated hosting provides. The drawback is that you will have limited access to the server which means you may not be able to run many of the applications you see on other websites. This is a good option if you just want to have basic website.

Dedicated hosting allows you to rent an entire web server yourself and have access to all its resources to host one or more websites. The website hosting company typically does not take responsibility for anything other than the hosting operations. Setting up files, databases, permissions and other technical things may (depending on the company) be your or your web designer’s responsibility. Most web hosting companies provide built in tools to make doing these things easier but the learning curve can be steep. This option is good for larger websites and ones used for e-commerce. If security is important then dedicated hosting is what you need. The cost can be a little bit more than shared hosting but there are many web hosting companies out there where there is no difference.

Self hosting is when you host the website yourself on your own web server. To do this you’ll need the proper hardware, software, technical skill and Internet connection. This option gives you complete control and responsibility over everything. Hosting your own web server will normally require a specialized Internet connection depending on your particular needs. Before going this route you’ll want to speak to an Internet consultant or IT person to get all the particulars.

When you sign up for web hosting you will given a login and password to your account so remember to write this information down and keep it somewhere you won’t lose it. You may even be able to sign up for hosting when you purchase your domain name. Speak to your web designer before doing this if you are not sure as to what you are doing or what type of hosting you need. If you don’t have anyone to consult with when you buy your domain name then purchase the hosting at a later time. It won’t cost you anymore to do so as hosting can always be added to your account later on.

Jayme Ward is the owner of Digi Donkey, an Internet consulting service located in Historic Cocoa Village, Florida. He is also the creator of the one and only  Cheap Ass Website.

4 Responses

  1. “When you sign up for web hosting you will given a login and password to your account so remember to write this information down and keep it somewhere you won’t lose it”

    You think people would know to do this, but it is amazing how many forget their credentials and get upset at you (the web designer) for the hassle it has causes and the delays in launching a website.

  2. Good Tips.Personally I like hosting with Singapore web hosting provider as their support and uptime has been great so far.

  3. I admire the time and effort you put into your blog. I wish I had the same drive 🙂

  4. Yeah! your blog will be helpful the new blogger like me..Thank you and good luck for you.

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