Stop Selling and Start Meeting

How to be more effective at business networking functions.

A couple weeks ago I was at a business networking function thrown by my local Chamber of Commerce when a scenario played out that had done so many times before. Things where moving along as they tend to do at those things when I met a young woman who happened to sell vitamins. Well, let me correct that. They weren’t just vitamins, they where a nutritional supplement that no person on this Earth could possibly be living without. As a matter of fact, anyone reading this blog that is not taking these life altering pills must be on borrowed time because, according to her, we’re all basically going to die if we don’t buy her stuff now. The most impressive thing was that she got that whole spiel out in about 30 seconds after going through the perfunctory motions like she actually wanted to get to know me. If it wasn’t for the fact that she caught me while I was in line to get a beer, she wouldn’t have lasted 10 seconds. I told her that I’d keep her in mind and watched her as she hurried off to continue her verbal spamming attack on my fellow Chamber members.

Now, I may have over exaggerated just a little bit but I think you all get the point. How many times have you had a similar experience while out networking? How many times have you had, what seemed at the time to be, a productive conversation interrupted by some marketing rep pitching you in between nibbles off the veggie tray.

Networking is about meeting people with the purpose of developing business relationships and that’s it. It’s not about collecting the most business cards and then relentlessly spamming, oh wait, let me rephrase that, relentlessly following up the next morning with the stock email template you typed out the day before. It’s not about making your sales pitch to as many strangers as you can within an hour. It’s not about handing out as many of your fliers, brochures, CD-ROMs, DVDs or whatever other kind of promotional crap you have. There is a place and time for all that and networking functions are not that place.

When you meet someone new start thinking about how you can help them. Ask yourself how many people you know that may need their products or services. Do you know of any events, leads groups, Chambers of Commerce or anything else that can be useful to them? Is their anyone at the event you are currently attending that you could introduce that person to who may be able to help them out with whatever it is that they do? Can you put them in touch with someone else who has a product or service that they may currently be looking for like business cards, a web site, embroidered shirts, insurance, etc.?

I’ll leave you all with this. The key to successful networking is allowing connections to happen through you rather than having it be all about you. Start putting others before yourself, you’ll be pleasantly surprised and financially rewarded when it comes back to you.